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Hello, I assume Z the the vertical axis and YZ the symmetry plane. Then, X support on the plane is right, and rigid-body rotations along Z and Y are blocked by this condition. If you have a point support in Y and Z, all rigid-body displacements are also blocked, and the only remaining DoF to check is rotation along X. Depending on the real setup, the most typical ways to block it are 1. Y support at the loading point or 2. more than a single point supported in the vertical (Z) direction, for example, a surface support in Z instead a point one.


Hi there....
Please, I have 1/2 circular column and therefore I have a symmetry condition and I followed the following procedure:
Data:conditions:constraint for surface:X-constraint then Assign to the surface where the symmetry condition should be defined.
Now please how can I "make sure that the rotation along the vertical axis is blocked", I mean I do not know the exact procedures for doing that.

Thanks and best regards


Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Rotation → Post new reply