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Please follow the instructions from the ATENA Troubleshooting Manual, in section 2.1.1 I have a problem not listed here.



Could you please provide me with an email adress or a way I could send all these? Maybe attach (heavy) files?

Thank you.


Dear amthic, there were some corrections and changes in the NLCem2User material - please see the section "6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES" in Readme_EN.txt. Since 4.1.4, I think there are even some new parameters/functions in NLCem2User. Please make sure all are defined as desired (check the Input and Theory manuals fro details on each material parameter/function). If it still does not work as expected, please send us your model + a graph comparing the old and new results, and a sketch/photo of what you are modelling.


Dear Madam, Sir,

Some models run on former Atena 3D Version 4.1.4 2010 won't give the same results since update on 4.2.7g or latest 4.3.1g (actually they won't even converge).
The only thing I do is delete results through results manager and run the same file.

Do you have any clue of this could be possible, or how it might happen?
Please note that I am using the NonLinCem2User on a concrete macroelement submited to prescribed deformation in direct tension.

Thank you for your help.
