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dpryl wrote:

I am not sure if I understand the problem, but you can go to the text output where all values along the line are listed (in the graphics, only the extremal values are labelled). There is also a "Division" distance when in the moment line definition dialog - maybe you have the division length so large, that the moment line only has a single segment through the whole column?

thanks a lot


I am not sure if I understand the problem, but you can go to the text output where all values along the line are listed (in the graphics, only the extremal values are labelled). There is also a "Division" distance when in the moment line definition dialog - maybe you have the division length so large, that the moment line only has a single segment through the whole column?



My teacher lets me to analyse depredation for short column.
I have drew the momnet line, but the value always show up the top and button of column Force MNQ item.
Sometimes, it just only show the column  top or button.
Thereforce, I always can't determine the value for the middle of column.
How can it show the every value of column on these three position?
I appreciate you help, thanks a lot!


The MNQ values are only available on moment lines. If there are no moment lines defined, the item is greyed out. See section "4.7.5 Moment lines" of the ATENA 2D User's Manual for more information.



As a student, I always use ATENA2D software. However, every time the value of post-processing Force MNQ item cannot be presented. Can you help me figure out what the problem of it? In addition, can ATENA2D appear the output item? How to make it? I appreciate your help. Thanks a lot!

Feng Lian

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → post-processing → Post new reply