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Topic review (newest first)
Yes, "partial" just means that the two connected surfaces are not exactly the same.
The mesh generator typically has problems if
a. prescribe mesh compatibility on a contact between two macroelements with mesh settings that can not be (easily) made compatible
b. you prescribe inconsistent mesh refinements or points for loads or monitors that do not belong to any line of the macroelement
c. for some too complicated geometries / extreme shapes of macroelements (very sharp corners etc.)
Please send us the model to our support email.
Dear madame/sir,
I have a question concerning the FE-mesh.
I am constructing a part of a slab with one column, both in reinforced concrete. The connection between these two structural members (macro elements) has been chosen, by Atena, to a partial connection. What significance does this have for the analysis? Is it possible to change this, or does it merely mean that only a part of the slab is connected to the column?
On the column foot there is a steel plate, with the same size as the column itself, where Atena has chosen full contact.
When generating the mesh of the construction case, only one mesh size (0,05 m) is working. When trying other sizes I get either an error message with either;
1) "T3D mesh generator. Error code 10" and "Internal error in mesh generator! Group 1 not generated."
2) "Catastrophic error".
The problem still remains after changing master/slave relation. What is the significance of this?
Thank you in advance!