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Topic review (newest first)
Ac = cross section area of the whole reinforced concrete member
As = cross section area of the reinforcement steel - sum of areas of all reinforcement bars crossing the section
Of course, to find the reinf. ratio for a direction, one always considers the cross section perpendicular to that direction.
hello sir. I have the same question as well. By referring to the atena 2D user manual. I am not really understand about the formula p=As/Ac. As is the size of shear for e.g. 12mm dia. Then i have to find the cross sectional area. whereas Ac is the area of the whole concrete beams? for e.g. 2m length x 300mm depth. Then by dividing this will i get the ratio for smeared reinforcement? TQ
Have you already read section Smeared reinforcement in the ATENA 2D User's Manual?
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Hello, I want to ask a question, does the "Ratio" in the items of Semeared Reinforcement mean the reinforcement ratio ?
Or there are some other meanings ? And could you tell me that how we can get the ratio ?
Could you please give your e-mail so that I can send my picture files to you ? thanks a lot !