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Topic review (newest first)


First of all, check if all your polygons are planar. If not, this is the obvious source of the message.
The next step is to follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 3.3.12 Problems with nonplanar surfaces, joints not inside macroelements, etc.
If you still get the message, send us your model along with your ATENA User ID (WR).


I keep getting an internal code stating:
-ID: G3DPolygon.pas/Nonplanar polygon/721
-Module: C:\PROGRA~2\CERVEN~1\AtenaV5\A3Pre_1.dll

If possible, save the data immediately and exit the program.
If you continue to work, you may obtain unexpected results.

Should the problems continue, contact your software distributor. Don't forget to provide error identification and information about your system. If possible, include the current data and describe the procedure leading to the error.

I keep getting this error when I click on my surface loads in the preprocessor screen on Atena V5. Do I have something defined wrong? How should I fix this issue?

Thank you