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Topic review (newest first)
Hello, the material law is evaluated in each integration point - see also ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.23 The tensile (or compressive) stresses exceed the tensile (or compressive) strength or yield stress – what is wrong?
You can not say in general if the convergence with mesh refinement is from above or below - this can differ problem from problem, model from model.
You are right large elements are more brittle once a crack starts opening. For element sizes larger than the distance between localized cracks (typically, shells), please define crack spacing to prevent unrealistic brittleness.
Hi there,
I have a RC pile cap with a coarse mesh. I was wondering which stress is considered for cracking criteria in FE mesh? is it the stress at element surface or the average for that element?
Does finer mesh give a higher load capacity and whilst the coarse mesh is conservative?
I guess the crack will propagate in the whole element (not partially) and with the coarse mesh it will be quicker. Please confirm if that is correct.
kind regards,