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I got it......Thank you


Hello, do not define the geometry again! To be able to add smeared reinforcement layers in a  macroelement (see Fig.- 4-37 right), you first need to set the max. number of layers in General Data (as explained in and 4.3.2).


Hallow there...!! I am modeling UHPC and UHPFRC beams with reinforcements (main) and stirrups. I thought I could use the same topology for both of the macro-elements as I understand it says in ATENA 2D user’s manuals. Section seems to be unclear with regard to the use of the same topology. How can one put a Layer of smeared reinforcements on the same topology using the same boundary line with SBeta Material? I would like to see Fig. 4-41 Smeared reinforcement in full with Topology, FE mesh, Properties and Layer of reinforcement shown in full. At the moment if I try to put a layer of smeared reinforcement on the same topology (with the same boundary list), I get an error warning (A macro-element with identical topology already exists!!). How do I go around this? Thank you