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Please try to run the 3D Demo example and let us know the outcome.
Also, look into the Add/Remove overview of installed components to check if the Visual Studio and Intel Fortran redistributables are installed and in which versions.


Exactly what you said, 2D couldn't even start.  I could start Atena3D without such an error, but didn't try to do an analysis.  I've tried previous version of 2D but never used 3D and Studio.


Dear Kiert, do I understand correctly that you get the error when you just start an empty ATENA 2D window (i.e., not later during meshing or running the analysis)?

Please let us know if you can start ATENA 3D (empty window - analysis of the demo example ShearBeam3D) and ATENA Studio (empty window - SherBeam DEMO analysis).


The same error also appears for Atena2D on winXPsp3x32, win7sp1x64.


Hi, I've just downloaded the 5.1.1n Demo and installed on Win7x64.  Installation was ok.
But when I started the Atena2D, CCAtena2D2_en.exe, the error message pops up saying:
Error in Installation - Please reinstall !

I tried installing twice w/ and w/o Atena Science x64 core.  The same error appears.