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Topic review (newest first)
1. yes. The normals need to point out of the volumes to be connected - quote from the ATENA-GiD User's Manual:
3D Interface
The normals of all surfaces have to point out of the volumes connected by the interface
(i.e., both points into the contact volume). The 2 surfaces can not share any lines or
2. It is not clear from your question if you have already read ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.13 How can I model masonry?
3. Dividing each brick in 2 volumes (connected through the shared internal surface between them) can help you to avoid the need to use contacts between incompatible meshes, and still be able to easily generate a structured mesh for the bricks.
Best regards.
I wanted to assure that i got the information from Atena GID manual right.
You have to create the contact volume off two surfaces of same size, and they have the identical position (no gap between them) and the normals of the surfaces have different directions?! If i want to model an interface between surfaces (of volumes) of different size i need to copy the smaller surface, than move it back with "double entities" checked, create the contact volume off them and the copied surface needs to be connected to the bigger surface via slave-master?! Are these statements correct?
I am planning to model a shear wall with realistic vertically perforated bricks. Do you have an idea where i can get parameters for the interface material (mortar)? because of the offset between the bricks i was thinking about to divide the surfaces of the bricks to be able to connect them the way i want. Is this reasonable?
I am thankful for any help or suggestions! The wall will consist 10 x 10 bricks.
Thank you in advance!