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Topic review (newest first)
Hello Patrick,
1. please make sure you are using the current ATENA version (5.1.2d - there were some problems with the material model, especially under cyclic loading, in the earlier 5.0.x and 5.1.x versions).
2. Please send us your model (Troubleshooting, 2.1.1).
Best regards,
Hello Guys,
I am Patrick Alrassy a Graduate student at the university of Texas at Austin.
I am modeling a Reinforced concrete Column on Atena 3D sitting on a footing. And I applied cyclic loading to it (Displacement reversals). I did everything to improve the convergence: Mesh sensitivity analysis, Displacement convergence error , Break Criteria, Increase the number of load steps. But my column is failing at a very very low cycle(0.2% Drift ratio) compared to the actual experiment (4.5 %) . Can Anyone help me find the reason of the early failure?
your help is so much appreciated.
Thank you