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Topic review (newest first)
Hello, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.10 How can I take the bending and/or shear contribution of reinforcement bars into account? and 2.2.12 How can I model a pull-out experiment? for some related thoughts.
In ATENA, the bond law can not be made dependent on the reinforcement strain so far, however, it is possible to define a function along the bar/cable to scale (multiply) the bond strength by a factor depending on the position along the reinforcement. Please note this option is only available in ATENA Science.
As I know, in the ATENA, the prestressing tendon is simulated by truss element.
However, it is hard to capture the hoyer effect using truss element (instead, solid element is the suitable choice).
I wonder, could we define the bond-slip model as the function of the longitudinal strain?
If that is the case, the hoyer effect may be captured.
Could we realize that?
Best wishes