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Topic review (newest first)
Hello, it is not clear from your question if you have already read ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.15 How to model a load combination, e.g., a constant vertical force during horizontal displacement applied until failure?
We recommend dividing even the dead weight into several load steps (2-5), but for small structures, even a single step is often enough.
Ad Q2: It depends on the multiplier you apply in the steps - 10 x 0.1 = 1.0 times the original load (2kN), 10 x 1.0 = 10x the original load (20kN).
I have a question about Loadings. I've applied "Body Force", "Supports" and "Forces" on my 3D model. I'm not sure how to combine/calculate them with the Analysis steps. Load steps are incremental, in other words, the value of loadings applied in the current step is added to the loading applied in previous steps. And what about "Body force"? I assume that "Body Force" should be added just in the first step so it won't be multiplied in other steps?
Q2. If I add a force of 2 kN in my 3D model, does this mean that the program will calculate till it reaches the predefined 2 kN or will it add 2 kN in each step?