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Topic review (newest first)


Dear INGms, for the unassigned material message, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 4.2.5 GiD claims: You don't have assigned Material 0 at Element xxxx For first number of unassigned element see *.dat file.
We generally recommend going through the Tutorial example before starting your first own model, and you may also wish to look at the examples from the ATENA Science Example Manual.

If you wish our advice regarding your modelling, please send us your latest model + sketches/photos and explanation of what you are modelling (ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1) - from the sketches included in your messages, the boundary conditions, like supports and loading, are not clear. Moreover, it is not clear if Interface elements are needed or not (see Teroubleshooting, 2.2.14 I have problems when using the Interface (GAP) material on contacts and ATENA-GiD User's 5.3.6 Interface Material), and, above all, what is the target of the analysis?
You may also wish to read Troubleshooting, 2.2.12 How can I model a pull-out experiment?

Best regards.


Picture 2


Dear Support team,

I'm trying to create a model of my experiment in Atena GiD.
The model consists of a concrete cube with a perforated steel plate in it.
My problem occurs when I try to add openings in the steel plate - the space (in the holes) should be filled with concrete and not just air.

I have tried several approaches in modelling the experiment (i.e. creating surfaces and extruding them into volumes, importing the structure from a .dxf file etc.) but none of them worked.

Do you have any suggestions or step-by-step advise how to properly create such a model without getting diverse error messages (i.e. collisional surfaces, no material assigned..)

I have two pictures as example below:

Picture 1

Thank you for your help.