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Dear andrisetiawan1415,
first of all, if you wish advice related to your modelling, please send us your model, a sketch, etc. (Troubleshooting, 2.1.1). From the description, the setup is not clear (load introduced through the column, uplift allowed at slab corners, but what are supports?).

Ad 1.+2. Surface springs can be applied directly to a concrete surface. However, without knowing about the setup it is hard to guess if this is an efficient way in this case or not...

Ad 3. Please see the ATENA Engineering 3D User's Manual, Example How to Define Surface Spring Properties. If you wish help with determining the spring stiffness, please send us what you know about the support (material, dimensions, ...) to be represented by the spring.


Dear Cervenka Consulting,

I have read some of your posts about modelling the simple support edge by using non-linear spring element. However, I still want to clarify something. In my case, I want to model a square slab with the column in the middle and vertical force will be induced through the column so that the corners of the slab is permitted to uplift. I have modeled the steel plate along the edge of the slab. My question is :

1. Do I steel need a plate when I want to use non-linear spring? Or may I just apply the spring directly in the slab?
2. Where should I put the nonlinear spring material? Can I assign it in the bottom of the steel plate and let the top surface as a fixed contact with the tested slab?
3. How to adjust a reasonable value of the spring? Is it better to reduced the value of tension stiffness to 1/1000 from the default value or increased 1000 times the default compression stiffness?

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Best regards,

Andri Setiawan