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Dear Milan,
for the basic information about .inp, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 4.3.1 I have an ATENA Input File (.inp), how can I start the analysis in AtenaWin or AtenaConsole or ATENA Studio?

However, I think the best thing you can now do is to explain us your problem to be modelled, including some sketches and your existing model(s), see also Troubleshooting, 2.1.1, such that we can help you find the most efficient solution.


sir, how can we access .INP file on ATENA ?


Dear Milan, there are no parametric options in ATENA Engineering 3D, however, you might be interested in out stochastic package SARA, which also allows randomization of dimensions to some extent.
In the new version 5.3.2, there are also some parametric functions in the ATENA kernel, but these can only be used when manually editing the ATENA Input File (.INP), and I strongly doubt the work spent preparing an .inp to be randomized (basically, replacing all geometry with calls to the T3D mesh generator) could pay off compared to a few manual model modifications.


Hello sir, I am working on the analysis of deck slab of bridge of varying dimensions on ATENA engineering software. for the analysis of deck slabs of different dimensions i have to change the dimensions again and agian it become very time consuming to change length, width and depth. Can we prepare a parametric model on ATENA engineering software so that all the the dimensions will change with on click only?