Dear Andri Setiawan,
ad 1., 2.: I am still not sure what you ask - have you already tried to run a simple model with a few different values of UNLOADING, let's say 0, 0.5, and 0.9, and compared the Load-Displacement curves?
I still suspect you might mix the (re-)loading and unloading stiffness? The UNLOADING parameter only influences the stiffness during unloading - at a closing crack. There are many physical phenomena which can influence this, for example the roughness of the crack surfaces.
You are right that indirectly, it influences the damage during a load cycle, as values closer to 1 result in earlier plastic damage (or cracking at the opposite side) when unloading resp. loading in the opposite direction, which increases the area in the hysteresis loop.
Ad 3(2).: OK.