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Hello rdevine,
briefly looking into the .inp file created from Engineering 2D using the US/UK units, it seems the Aggregate Size is entered in Inches and the max. stress in ksi = we need to correct the wrong description text (m -> in, MPa -> ksi) for the next version.



I am using ATENA 2D engineering Version 5.3.3 and doing most of my models using Imperial, or English units.  For some material model inputs, the units are still saying metric, the two I have seen are the following:

1. Aggregate Size in 3DNonlinearCementious2 (says [m])
2. Fracture Stress in Bilinear w/ Hardening Reinforcement (says [MPa])

Do these correct, as in I should put in the values as metric, or are they typos, and like all the other inputs use SI (so inches and ksi).

There may be other instances, but these are the two I have noticed.
