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Dear kanchana,
the actual file size limit may depend on many factors, among others the file system used on your disk.
As operation with such large .cc3 files in Engineering 3D is typically very slow, we generally recommend to avoid file sizes close to 2GB. Alternatively, if you have a large model created in ATENA Engineering and struggle with the memory limit or the .cc3 file size, you can also consider running the analysis using ATENA Studio ro AenaConsole, see Troubleshooting, 4.3.1 I have an ATENA Input File (.inp), how can I start the analysis in AtenaWin or AtenaConsole or ATENA Studio?
If your file is damaged in such a way that you can not open it and delete some or all results to make it smaller, I don't know about a way to rescue it. Please return to your last backup copy (as with Word and other PC programs, we generally recommend to store your model under a different name time to time).
Dear dPryl,
Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible to retrieve my analysis file and what was the reason for this problem.
Previously I have ran files more than 2GB. I have got no issues. I have 400GB hard disk space in my drive.
Dear kanchana,
1. please run the ATENA Update Check utility to download the current ATENA installer (5.3.4e).
2. Please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 3.1.3 The analysis stops with the message "Error when saving results External exception E06D7363".
3. You may also wish to check the S.M.A.R.T. data of your hard disk for possible problems (e.g., using the free tool GSmartControl).
I was using ATENA 3D Version 5.1.1. The analysis was running continuously for 4days suddenly I got an error message stating "unsuccessful writing of data" and I have closed the error message. The running file was closed and it was not there in my working directory too. I have sufficient space in my hard disk. Can any body let me know how to retrieve the file and also to prevent such problem in future.
with regards