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Dear mino,
the most typical reason for this is exceeding the about 2GB limit for a 32-bit process memory or the file size. Please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.4.1 Out of memory error during ATENA analysis and 2.2.17 The analysis runs too long. How can I speed it up?, especially point 5.

If you are using an ATENA version older than 5.3.4t or 5.4.1d, I would also recommend updating to the current version (you can download the installer through the ATENA Update Check utility, or directly from the Downloads section of our web).

If the problem persists, please send us your model etc. following Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 such that we can investigate it for the problem source.



Dear All,

I am running a model in Atena 3D and it  reaches a convergence without particualr problems.
When I want to see the results in the Post-Processor module, it appears the following:
"Acces violation at address 05D4EC03 in module ' A3Post_1.dll'. Read of address 000001A0.

what does it mean?
I tried to re-build the model but it seems it does not work....any idea?

