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Dear denniskweee,
1. I recommend updating to the current ATENA version, 5.3.4t or 5.4.1d. If you wish to model injected cables, I recommend the 5.4.1 where you can use the new option "INTERNAL CABLE", see also ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.5 How to model bonded post-tensioning cables in ATENA? and ATENA-GiD User's, and ATENA-GiD User's, 5.3.5 1D Reinforcement Material.

3. If you still have problems, please follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us your model + explain what you are modelling.



Hey, I always get warnings when I run my PT model (external cables). The running say this : warning group id 1009778689, name cable elements(segment=7) for bar 2 uses geometry id: 1099777886, name cable element CCExternalCable for material ID 335544423 with incompatible prestress load. The prestress load condition prevail. Can you please give me advices? Thanks