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Dear engomargouda,
I am not sure if I understand what and why you wish to get, but it seems to me you can easily prepare a plot like this in a spreadsheet based just on the 2 monitors defined for the basic L-D graph + very simple processing to calculate the current tangent or secant stiffness.


Dear dpryl

I want to plot a graph between the member stiffness( K= E x I / L ) and the deformation at every load step

I mean instead of load-deflection curve, i want stiffness deflection curve

I want to see the change in the member stiffness during loading with the coressponding deflection

How to record the stiffness please


Dear engomargouda, please explain what exactly you wish to change? Are you demanding a switch next to the input box for the elastic modulus? The value to be entered in ATENA is the initial (undamaged) elastic modulus.


Dear all,

Is there any method in the program to calculate the stiffness of the member by secant or tangent method ?