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Dear Dpryl,
Many thanks for your prompt reply and suggestions.
Best Regards.


Dear Firmo,
so far, ATENA does not offer temperature-dependent bond nor interface materials. However, if you have ribbed reinforcement, maybe you do not need that at all as bond failure can typically be well captured as cracking in concrete near the bars in that case (with a fine enough mesh = element size comparable with bar diameter).
In other words, maybe you can use perfect bond along with the temperature-dependent material for Concrete.

If you have reinforcement without ribs (e.g., wires), I think you can manually change (replace) the bond law by editing the .inp file before some load step. If you need this, please send us your model etc. (see also Troubleshooting, 2.1.1) such that we can help you with the first edit.

Best regards.


Dear Sirs,

I would like to simulate a reinforced concrete beam simultaneously subjected to a fire action and an applied load using ATENA-Science-GiD. Is there any option to consider the temperature dependency of the bond-slip laws of the reinforcement? Either modelling the reinforcement as 1D Reinforcement (material – CCReinforcementWithTempDepProperties) or as solids+interface? Is there any way to include the temperature dependency of the interface properties?

Thank you in advance.