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Topic review (newest first)
The temperature field is interpolated in space when being imported, from the nodes in the transport analysis to the nodes in the static analysis (see the ATENA Theory Manual if you are interested in details).
Requiring identical meshes for such different analysis types would be a quite a limitting restriction!
Thanks for your solution, but i need clarify a doubt. When you say "Note that it is NOT neccessary to have the same mesh for both the transport and static models", if i do a model with fire and staic analisys in the same model, I don´t need to mesh with the same mesh for both models???
I always have thougth that ATENA worked with map of temperatures of the mesh nodes ,wich imported in the static model from the transport model.
Can you explain it??
Dear Laura, not all element types are available for all analysis types. Please mesh the fire model using other element types, e.g., tetrahedra (unstructured mesh) or try to assign quadrilateral elements to the extruded surface (and keep the semistructured mesh, just getting hexahedra instead of wedges).
Note that it is NOT neccessary to have the same mesh for both the transport and static models.
Hello again,
now I´m doing a prestessed hollowcore with fire, and I have a problem, when I do a transport analisys appear this message "wedge for transport analisys is not implemented", and the program don´t work.
Can you help me?