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Topic review (newest first)
Dear feygaliu,
hard to say not seeing at least some sketch... I guess we can help you much more efficiently if we know a little more about what you are modelling... I suggest to follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us some sketches + description, such that we can recommend a way of modelling, including the choice between ATENA Egr or Sci.
dpryl wrote:Dear feygaliu,
please let us know if you are working with ATENA Engineering 3D or GiD (ATENA-Science; I exclude ATENA Engineering 2D as you mention 3 coordinates)? Have you already considered the option to first create and then rotate into position?
Actually, I need to build some openings which have the type of arches, and the three points of arch are not at same working plane. What can I do? Thank you a lot!
dpryl wrote:Dear feygaliu,
please let us know if you are working with ATENA Engineering 3D or GiD (ATENA-Science; I exclude ATENA Engineering 2D as you mention 3 coordinates)? Have you already considered the option to first create and then rotate into position?
ATENA Engineering 3D. Sorry, I don't know hot to rotate the arch...
Dear feygaliu,
please let us know if you are working with ATENA Engineering 3D or GiD (ATENA-Science; I exclude ATENA Engineering 2D as you mention 3 coordinates)? Have you already considered the option to first create and then rotate into position?
Hi, how can I build an arch which is not in any of these three working planes? Actually, the working plane of this arch has an angle to yz working plane. How could I do that? Thank you.