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Topic review (newest first)
Dear GADA,
1. for basic information related to modelling pull-out, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.12 How can I model a pull-out experiment?
2. Are you working with prescribed displacements (analogical to displacement-controlled experiments), or force loading?
See also Troubleshooting, Solution methods.
3. You may also be interested in Troubleshooting, 2.2.18 My analysis results do not match the experiment/expectations. How can I improve my model?
4. If you still can not get the desired results, you can follow Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us your model etc.
Hello, I want to make single fibre pull out model.
(single PP fibra is pulling out from 10x10x10cm concrete cube.)
So far I found cohesion parameter with which i get correct max load (comparing with lab results),
but after that my (Y=Load X=Displacement) graph drops (Load force) immediately down . I want to make such model that form from max N it would be slowly fall down to min force. How do i achieve this? Should I modify cohesion softening/hardening in 3D inteface? Or some other way modify bond slip?