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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Initial Gap → Post new reply

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Dear rudi,
the Interface-type material can only be assigned to Contact Volumes. Please see ATENA-GiD User's, 5.3.6 for basic information on Interface elements. If you still have problems, follow Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us your model etc.



Dear dpryl,

I want to do it with "initial gap load for Volume".
When I create a contact volume between the 2 surfaces, i get two contact volumes (because d=0).
Or should I define a real volume for the interface volume?
Do I have to create new surfaces for the interface or do I use the existing ones?



Dear rudi,
I assume you have already read ATENA-GiD User's, 5.3.6Interface Material and/or successfully worked with Interface elements without initial opening.
As instructed in the description you mention (5.2 Conditions, Initial  Gap  Load  for  Volume), for this Condition, you should create the Interface Volume between 2 surfaces which do not coincide, but have between them the distance of the initial opening.

Alternatively, you may also consider modelling the shrinkage and thermal load in ATENA (see also Troubleshooting, 2.2.8 point 2), such that the Interface (with no initial gap) opens while these loads act.




i want to model a reinforced concrete beam with a gap that is already opened at the beginning (width of 1mm).
This opening should simulate a deformation due to shrinkage and temperature load. There is a metal sheet to weaken the cross-section next to the planned gap.
Now, I've modelled an interface next to the metal sheet and the applied load causes a gap at the right place.
But how can I model an inital gap? The description of "Initial_Gap_load_for_Volume" doesn't make it clear to me.

Best regards

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Initial Gap → Post new reply