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Topic review (newest first)


Dear Brian,
1. as the 5.4.1 branch can not be maintained any more, I would recommend to either update to 5.6.x or return to 5.3.5i (if 5.6.x is not available to you due to expired maintenance).

2. If the problem persists, please follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 (the PDF is included in ATENA installatio and also available frm our web under Products - ATENA - Documentation) to send us your model etc. such that we can try to reproduce your issue here.




I'm getting an error message at the end of my finite element analysis, it reads: Access violation at address 65524343. Read of address 65524343.

It does not seem to impede me in looking at my results, but I was wondering what may be causing this. I'm running on the Atena 5.4.1q installer in 2D.

A screenshot of the error can be found through this link

Kind regards,
