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Topic review (newest first)
Dear Jia, it is not clear from your question why you can not apply the load the same way as in the Tutorial example? Just guessing: cyclic loading - maybe you mean 150 loading + unloading cycles? If so, I suggest to first see Troubleshooting, 2.2.26 How can I model cyclic or fatigue loading? for basic related information.
Hi Jia,
If I understood correctly you want to apply a specific load value by 150 linear steps. If so, then you have to create a load interval in GiD and set 150 steps in interval settings.
If you share your model I can make necessary settings and send you step by step guide based on your model.
Hi, I am looking for a way to set 150 steps to analyse a structure through GiD and ATENA Science. Is there any detailed tutorial to show how to define it automatically in "define loading history"? I prefer it to be the line increment, not the wave one.
Kind regard,