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Topic review (newest first)


Dear Pavlo,
I. please first of all see the GiD Customization Manual, which is also available directly from the program under Help - Customization help. 

II. With the Layer Name - Material Name approach, having multiple layers with the same material assigned would require duplicating the material definition. Possibly the Color or some other general attribute can be (mis-)used for this...
Or possibly a simple .csv or similar file connecting layer names with material names (exported from Tekla and imported into ATENA-GiD).

III. Maybe you can implement IFC import to GiD :-) ?




I created a topic on GiD forum but maybe I can find solution here faster. Below is the original text from GiD forum:

I intend to create a macro or program to export model from Tekla Structures to GiD with all available properties to be defined to GiD macroelements. I see the following ways to solve this problem now:

OPTION A (mid difficulty)
1. To export geometry from Tekla to 3D DXF file with all concrete blocks as volumes and rebars as lines. Each different material should be placed in separate layer.
2. To generate a tcl script for GiD which imports geometry from dwg file created in previous step.
3. To generate a tcl script for GiD which switches problem type to ATENA and creates all materials in GiD based on data from Tekla exported members.
4. To generate a tcl script for GiD which assigns all boundary conditions and materials to the imported geometry (in step 2). We consider reasonable to assign materials with the use of layers but I couldn't find how to do this with the use of tcl script.
5. Model is ready for user fine tuning and analysis.
6. If needed to upgrade geometry from Tekla, all steps are repeated in the same model. User should do necessary actions to not have intersecting members of older and new version of model (I mean that if I need to change only a column in system of column+beam, I should firstly delete old column in GiD an then start generated script).

We assume that tcl script from steps 2-4 can be generated with the use of Tekla C# plugin of our own development.

OPTION B (most difficult)
Instead of steps 1-4 to use GiD API. Geometry from Tekla can be restored with the use of code in GiD with no DXF export-import. However, I haven't found any info about GiD API. I even know don't whether you have an open API. Could you specify please?

OPTION C (most simple)
1. Create an empty GiD (Atena problem) with all material library predefined, template actually. This step will be not repeated, just once.
2. Create a tcl script which firstly imports DXF generated by Tekla, then assigns materials to elements on the basis of layer name. Layer names in DXF should be the same name as materials in GiD template from step 1. However, I don't know how to assign materials to elements which belong to a specific layer rather than to an element with specified number. Would you help me pls with this? This step is not recurrent as well.
3. To export geometry from Tekla to 3D DXF file with all concrete blocks as volumes and rebars as lines. Each different material should be placed in separate layer with names similar to GiD material library from template.
4. Run script from step 2.

Would you please advice me on this?
Also please send me description of all commands for creating macro in GiD. And please send me API documentation if it exists.