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Topic review (newest first)
Dear rdevine, I see we need to improve ATENA-GiD User's, 5.6 Units.
When the model is passed from GiD to ATENA for analysis, all values are converted to the units from the system selected in Data - Data units. Therefore, even if your analysis runs in metric system, you can define some material or other values using for example lbf (however, in postprocessing you then have everything in metric units - and vice versa, if you se GiD to American, you can define some values in MN, but see everyting in American units in postprocessing).
As I have been using the GiD more, I found that if you click on the units label during the material definition step, you can select which units you want to use to define your material. You can also define a material using one unit system, and if you change this label, it converts your number to the new unit system. I wanted to post this in case anyone else has a similar question like this.
Just to confirm, if I select imperial units when starting the program, I should be able to do all of the geometry in inches, and then define these materials using these drop down menus to define the materials in imperial units, and it will be unit consistent. Is this correct?
Dear pavlo & rdevine, I am afraid trying this in 5.6.1 or even the 5.7.0 pre-release can not bring anything as we still have to find a solution with the GiD developers.
The problem is that the default units in all material dialogs remain metric even if another unit system is set in Data - Data units. We understand it is annoying to change the units manually for all values being set/modified/checked.
I could test it on the newer version if you record a video with exact action sequence.
And to confirm, this is still an issue with newer versions of ATENA and the GiD? Updating the license would not change this, correct?
I currently have 5.3.2 and 12.0.7 for ATENA and the GiD.
So to confirm. If I used Imperial units in the material definitions (similar to how it works in ATENA 2D) would that work if my geometry is also in imperial units. Or is not enough known about it that there may be potential bugs and I would be safer using SI units?
Dear rdevine,
yes, this is how GiD currently behaves. We are currently looking for a way how to improve in future versions.
I was able to change the units, but when defining materials, the labels (e.g., for E, f'c, ft, etc) seem to still be in SI units. This usually updates in ATENA 2D. I just want to make sure I am consistent with my definitions.
I found my own answer in 5.6 of the ATENA Science User Manual.
Is there a way to set the unit system in the GiD to imperial units like can be done in ATENA 2D and 3D?