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Topic review (newest first)
Please see the figure at the right side of the NLCem2User Material dialog, which includes the formula how the char. length is used. For more details, see the ATENA Theory Manual.
The acronym "fl" just means "length unit", as defined by the Units command. If you have not made any special changes, fl is meter.
A possible way of setting the char. size and localization strain is to set the char. size to element size used in calibration experiment, and the loc. onset to the strain at peak stress (in typical FRC, this max. stress is a bit higher than the tensile strength).
I am using CC3DNonlinCementitious2User to define SFRC. There is a parameter in the definition of the material that I have trouble to define. This is the characteristic size.
I have read in the InputFile Format Manual that the default value in tension is 0.03fl and in compression is 0.1fl. However, I could not find what exactly the parameter fl is. I would appreciate if you could tell me about this parameter and why these are the default values.
Thank you