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Topic review (newest first)
I remember that I faced with such error but don't remember how I solved it. Most probably, the solution was too simple to remember it, so try these steps:
1) restart computer
2) check that you have enough RAM and disk space
3) check that name of the model doesnt contain special symbols , define both path and task name as simple as possible. Check task name in problem data in GiD
4) reinstall GiD and Atena
At the same time you can ask me or Cervenka team to check whether your model works on our computers
Hope it helps
Good day,
I am working in ATNENA GiD and Studio.
When I attempt to run the static analysis, ATENA Studio displays the following message:
" AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often in indication that other memory is corrupt."
The same model has worked perfectly the day before.
Any assistance will be highly appreciated.