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Topic review (newest first)
Hi Ingrid,
Check my message in another topic, there is a link to a video how to record a macro.
The scripting language seems to be Tcl, it is quite simple. I am not sure whether each macro is stored in a separate file or somewhere else.
pavlo wrote:Hi Clay,
There is a macro recorder in GiD which can be used to automate repeating actions. However, I used it just for some simple automatons. It is not that efficient as command line or API, but still something.
Dear pavlo,
Is possible, if you give us the information about this macro and tell me what type of file (e.g. .py ; .m ; etc.) or how i can import it in atena.
I would like to understand this macro and maybe can transform it for another program (e.g. Matlab, phyton,) for will be read for Atena.
Hi pavlo,
I understand what you mean but like you said it's not like a API. Hopefully ATENA could support API one day .
pavlo wrote:Hi Clay,
There is a macro recorder in GiD which can be used to automate repeating actions. However, I used it just for some simple automatons. It is not that efficient as command line or API, but still something.
Hi beTsche,
Thanks for the information. It's a good alternative to reach automation to some extent. I'll look into it and give it a try.
Many thanks!
beTsche wrote:hi clay
we stumbled over the same problem when we do extensive parametric studies and also did not found an "intern" solution. however we bypassed it by writing our own parser which can translate code from another FE-software with coding possibilities into the needed atena syntax.
so basically we generate the whole model including loads and supports in another fe-software. then we read out all the informations und translate it to a atena-input file. although this is a very simple approach it really helped us a lot and may be a possible solution for you also.
feel free to contact me
hi clay
we stumbled over the same problem when we do extensive parametric studies and also did not found an "intern" solution. however we bypassed it by writing our own parser which can translate code from another FE-software with coding possibilities into the needed atena syntax.
so basically we generate the whole model including loads and supports in another fe-software. then we read out all the informations und translate it to a atena-input file. although this is a very simple approach it really helped us a lot and may be a possible solution for you also.
feel free to contact me
Hi Clay,
There is a macro recorder in GiD which can be used to automate repeating actions. However, I used it just for some simple automatons. It is not that efficient as command line or API, but still something.
Hi all,
I am using GID 15.0.1 and ATENA Studio V5 to perform parametric studies on the bridge deck under moving load. Because the variation in bridges and truck loading configuration is huge, and it is very low efficient to construct new structures or slightly change some parameters manually in GID and re-run the model, e.g., geometric information, load types, load magnitude, etc. Does ATENA or GID support a programing language to automatically build the model and change the target parameters by sort of loop functions? For example, ABAQUS supports Python or inp file and ANSYS could use the command file to realize the loop function.
Anyone has an experience of using a code-based method in ATENA?
Thank you very much!