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Topic review (newest first)


Dear Irene, first of all, you can model the 2 layers as a single epoxy macroelement with 2 internal reinforcement layers.
Other than that, without seeing your model, it is hard to guess if there is some modelling error or if you really hit the limit due to the precision setting. I Definitely recommend to use the latest version (4.3.0k as of March 2012).


I have the same problem with Robin.When the model precision is 4 decimals 1mm shell plate is not accepted.It is accepted only when I change the precision to 5 decimals.I want to simulate 2layers of frp 0.26mm thick and i can't manage it.Can you help me?
Thank you,


Dear Robin, it is hard to guess the problem source without seeing your model (you can send it to our general support address along with a problem description and your ATENA User ID - WR). Shell elements with thickness about 1mm are being used by many users - this can not be the only reason. Maybe you have accidentally changed the model precision (default is 1e-4m = 0.1mm) in Analysis information - Global - Decimal digits)?
The most frequent cause of this message is having a point that does not belong to any line (and surface) of the macroelement. Although a point like this is used for monitoring in one of our examples, we do generally not recommend this modelling approach.


Hi there,

Is is possible to define an element thickness of a beam/plate or shell element less than 2mm thick? I have a 1.5mm layer of epoxy which I am trying to model however the program gives the following error when nodes are less than 2mm apart:

"The joint n.3 is not located inside the macroelement!"

