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Topic review (newest first)
You can set the tensile strength to 0 (although we normally recommend a small positive value, e.g., 1/4 or 1/10 of concrete tensile strength), but zero cohesion is very unusual. Also, please set the friction coeff. to a realistic value (typically, 0.3-0.4). Please understand it is very important to set the stiffness values according to the recommendations in the manuals. You can find more information about using contact elements in paragraph "I have problems when using the Interface (GAP) material on contacts" on our ATENA Known Issues page at .
gap material with zero tensile strength and cohesion?
is it right?
Probably the best way is to use contact elements (GAP material).
Dear sir
I have two concrete panels,in joint region(contact between two panels) there is a layer of dry-pack mortar with a thickness of 0.75in.the behavior that is expected when we apply lateral load is opening a gap in joint region,without any slip.
for modeling the joint,I need to define concrete with zero tension strength, and its impossible in ATENA as seen.I decided to define a gap in this region,with zero tension,but the response was not as I expected.
what is your suggestion for modeling dry-pack mortar at this horizontal joint?