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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Mesh size → Post new reply

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Hello, guessing the reasons without seeing your model is not very effective... I can only name the most frequent errors increasing mesh dependency:
1. point loads/supports applied directly to nonlinear material (or line loads in 3D; we recommend modelling loading/support plates, see the corresponding ATENA Engineering 2D or 3D or ATENA-Sci Tutorial)
2. not having enough elements per thickness in bending regions (4 elements are absolute minimum for qualitative-only results, 6-10 recommended minimum)

If these do not explain all the difference, please send your model along with your ATENA User ID (WR) to our support email.



I have tried to model a simple beam with two different size of meshing (50mm and 80mm). the results turn out to be quite big different for example, for the ultimate load. it is expected that there will be a little different of the ultimate load, but the results shows quite big different.could you advise how and why such things happens?is it still acceptable if i use the bigger size of meshing?thank you.

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Mesh size → Post new reply