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Topic review (newest first)
"Compact reactions" are now replaced with "Reactions", and display global external reactions. The other option, now called "Partial reactions", includes (internal) reactions between macroelements.
The classical Load-displacement graph has displacements (in meters, [m]) on the horizontal axis and reactions/forces ([MN]) on the vertical one.
If you find something in the graph incorrect or suspicious, please send a screenshot to our support email address (cervenka) and specify which ATENA version are you using (e.g., 3.3.2 or 4.1.1).
I used atena 2d to simulate a prism under compressing prssure,I Applied prescribed displacement on the line of specim top ,Then I created two monitoring point closing a node of the top line, the mointored value of them is diapalcement and reaction.Both of the monitored value item are component.
In the result,I tried to get load-displcement like examples in tutorial book,but in the graph ,the unit of the longitudinal Axis (corresponding to rection) is M instead of MN,could you tell what's the problem to me?
By the way in tutorial book,The moinitored value can be compact reaction,in fact in ATENA 2D program there is no compact reaaction in monitored value options,How to get it?