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Dear Mantas,
I assume you are playing with ATENA 2D, and I also assume you have downloaded the latest DEMO version (4.1.4a). I understand the PDF document with the list of all manuals opens correctly when clicking Help - Content, but the links to the AtenaWin and ATENA Theory manuals do not.
Did you install all the manuals with the ATENA Demo (one can uncheck them in the installer)? If yes, you can also open them throught Start-Programs-CervenkaConsulting-ATENA Engineering/ATENA Science-Documentation. If not, you can download all manuals from our web (Products-ATENA-Manuals).

What do you want to do with the Analysis control file (.inp)? In ATENA 2D, it can be modified each time before a step analysis is started (Options-Settings-General-Run-Enable Input File editting before starting FE analysis, then check Edit ATENA analysis input file when starting analysis).


I'm going to start working with ATENA 4 DEMO. How can I get manual or tuttorials to begin at the beginning.When I choose Help->AtenaWin Manual or Teoretical Manual it's not working. Analysis control file is not supported in ATENA DEMO?