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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Mesh sensitivity → Post new reply

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Hello, for such brittle failure, you typically get higher convergence errors in the post-peak - about 20% or even more. Then, it is no surprise the results can differ in that order even if there is only a very small change in the meshing.
This may sound like a purely numerical issue, however, if you are familiar with the experiments, you may have noticed significant differences in the post-peak response of nominally identical samples.



I am running analysis on the Leonhardt and Walther beam (under reinforced), the beam in the example, and have noticed that for different mesh densities my post peak response is different. The pre peak response it very similar for each mesh density but, as I said, post peak result are very varied.

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Mesh sensitivity → Post new reply