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Sounds like a damage installation. I would recommend to upgrade to the latest ATENA 4.2.6b - it is available to all users with valid maintenance agreement for download from our "downloads" page.



I am trying to run my own input file and input files from the provided examples of working models through AtenaConsole. Every time I do this I receive the following message:

CCException: Cannot load DLL: C:\Program Files\CervankaConsulting\Atena v3\CCStructures._ll
Source line: 90, file: C:\Atena\Sources\Mfc\load_atena_dll.cpp, last modified at: Tue Jun 7 15:27:03 2005

I have tried renaming my CCStructures.dll file to CCStructures._ll in the Atena v3 folder. This works, but only brings up the same message for a different DLL file.

Thank you very much for any advice.