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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Bug → Post new reply

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Finally I found the problem in my case. Some polygons were wrong in some macroelements. It is the best choice to build a lot of macroelements instead of one only (preferably objects with 6 faces), so that you can easily find the wrong one and rebuild it.


Please send us the model (.cc3 file ZIPped) and your ATENA User ID (WR).

Typically, this error occurs when there are wrong meshing settings, e.g., mesh compatibility set for a contact between macroelements with incompatible meshing parameters, or for geometry which can not be meshed with the mesh settings - like a ME with many joints just 0.1mm apart to be meshed with 10cm elements.


I have a bug; when I click on the button Generate in order to generate the mesh, I get the following error:

CCFEModelGenerateExc: T3D generator error code: 10
Source line: 157, file: ..\..\Sources\T3d\atena_cpp.cpp, last modified at: Fri Nov 19 13:5139 2010

I updated the software, but it still doens't work. If you want, I can send you my file. It's important to me to solve this issue as soon as possible.


Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Bug → Post new reply