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Topic review (newest first)


Sounds reasonable, however, you have to do the calculation outside of ATENA.
In my opinion the question is, if you really need to do all the of work to get the curvature, or if it makes more sense to track the behaviour of your structure using other, more easily available, quantities. Of course, if you have to compare with previous works using this measure, you have no choice...


Thank you, for your quick responce.
Can i use two Cuts for calculations displacements of compressive and tensile sides on each step of loading, and then determine magnitudes of curvature between this two Cuts?


Hello, I am afraid there is no direct support for this in current ATENA. Probably the easiest way is to define a few monitors for displacement, and calculate what you need in a spreadsheet. You can also output the Reference nodal coordinates to get the initial coordinates of your selected points.


Hello. I'v counted a beam for prescribed displacements with a help of Atena2D programme. Except for a "load-displacement " diagram I'm interested in a "load-curvature" diagram of different sections. Are there direct ways for getting such kinds of diagrams? Or maybe there are indirect variants?