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Hello, please follow the ATENA-GiD Tutorial (included in ATENA installation and available for download from the ATENA product page of our web), above all sections 3.2.3 Reinforcement bars and 3.3.3 Reinforcement bars.

Please note the 1D Reinf. material can only be assigned to lines. If you are defining and using "bond for reinforcement", please make sure the parameters make sense.

If you have problems with your model, please send the GiD model along with the problem description and your ATENA user ID (WR) to our support email (cervenka@...). Please check you are using the latest version of ATENA and of the ATENA-GiD interface.


I´m doing a model to check the differents results between lineal and no linear analysis, but when I do the equilibrium of the section (I´m speaking about a concrete beam with reinforcement), midspan section (I´m apliying a superficial load to achieve a specific bending moment in midspan section) I can´t do it, because it seems that the reinforcement don´t work with the concrete. My propreties of the reinforcement are of the GID data base (1Dreinforcement, choose enbedded)
I don´t understand very well what it affect the results of the model, and whow I can use or vary it. Iwant to Know the differences between use it or no, and how to define a reinforcement in a concrete beam with GID interface
