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Thank you for the's really helpful and much appreciated. i'm gonna try do it as your suggestion. thanks again.


1. in a 2D model, please remember modelling fibres in the thickness (depth) direction does not make much sense. Fibres in X direction (length) can be easily placed both at the top and bottom and distributed along the heigth (to account for the fibres in the vertical parts of the wrap, i.e., front + back side). Similarly, fibres in the Y (vertical) direction can be distributed along the length.

Please always keep in mind that placing more than 1-2 reinf. bars into a single volume/surface (concrete) finite element does not make much sense. You can model multiple fibres by a single bar, just make sure the cross sectional area is correct. Another option, typically better for the vertical parts of the wraps, is to model the fibers as smeared reinforcement.

2. shell elements only make sense in 3D. Use normal triangle and quadrilateral elements + smeared and/or discrete reinforcement in 2D.



I'm new to this Atena software and currently i'm using the Atena 2D Demo version. I have read previous post regarding frp wrap using Atena. However there are still few things that i'm not unsure.
1. Can i use the Atena 2D Demo version for frp wrap at let say three sides or four sides of the beam? most of previous post was using frp plate at the bottom of the beam. but what if frp sheet at the sides of the beam.
2. There is also a recommendation to use shell/plate element for such problem. Is shell element available in 2D demo version or there is any alternative ways to simulate the problem.

Thank u...