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Topic review (newest first)


The easiest way to create a 1/2 circle surface in GiD is to draw the diameter line and the arc, and create a surface using these 2 as contour. If you already have a circle and its perimeter has the start+end point where you need, you can also delete the surface, divide the curve (circle), connect the old and new point through a line, create the surface, and either delete the 1/2 circle arc you have not used, or create the other 1/2 circular surface.


Kindly, when I want to create a half circle,
Geometry | Edit | Divide| Surface| Num Divisions. The cursor will change its shape. I am Selecting the appropriate surface and then a dialog window will appear on the screen.
In this case Usense should be chosen. when I am trying to Enter number of divisions 2 then press Ok.
This error will as shown below :

Problems in division, Original surface 1 not deleted

So how can you help me?