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Topic review (newest first)


Dear dpryl,
Thanks so much. I have fixed it.




Looks like you are mixing incompatible versions of ATENA Kernel and ATENA-GiD scripts (old ATENA, newer ATENA-GiD scripts). Please make sure both are the current ones, 4.3.1g.


Dear Sir / Madam
Kindly, I am using ATENA-GiD 11.0.1
During the analysis that can be started using the command Calculate | Calculate. I have Got this error:-

CCInpFExc: Syntax error reading ATENA input, line: 3688, file: C:\Program Files\GiD\GiD 11.0.1\My GiD\3D-HCC\(5) 3D-HCC to Mesh.gid\AtenaCalculation\(5) 3D-HCC to Mesh.inp, data being processed:
Source line: 143, file: ..\..\Sources\CCStructures\process_atena_format_(CCStructures).cpp, last modified at: Fri Nov 19 13:52:19 2010

Kind Regards