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For information about reinforcement definition, please read the corresponding User's Manual, i.e., ATENA 2D User's if you are using ATENA Engineering 2D, ATENA 3D User's if you are using ATENA Engineering 3D, or ATENA Science User's if you work in the ATENA-GiD interface. For background information about the material model and finite elements, see ATENA Theory.

If you have additional questions, please be as specific as possible while asking.


I need more info about bars reinforcement definifion.

environmental management system



1. There is no difference based on bar direction (unless you are working with axisymmetry).

2. It makes no sense to model reinforcement perpendicular to the X-Y plane for plane stress nor plane strain. If you need to correctly capture the confinement effect due to that reinforcement, you need to prepare a 3-dimensional model.


thank you for the reply,
bur in section 3.7 is not detailed, it's not shown how do we can define the longitudinal bars and tranversals bar under ATENA,
I need a answer imediateky please.

thank you again for your help


Hello, please see section "3.7 Bar-reinforcement" of the ATENA Engneering 2D Tutorial (the document is included in ATENA installation in PDF format and also available for separate download from our web).


Hi thers ,

I am a beginner in the use of ATENA. I have a question about bars reinforcement in collumns. I don't know how can I define them.
For exemple, if I've a collumn with 4 longitudinal bars of diameter 16mm, and transversal bars of diameter 8mm. How can I define these bars on ATENA 2D.

Thank you in advance for your answers.