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Dear jfnschut, please read ATENA Troubleshooting Manual, sections
2.2.7 I get the warning "Convergence criteria (within line search) not satisfied due to eta limit, continuing super-ordinate iteration" during analysis, what does it mean?
2.2.2 I get the message "The execution is killed due to violation of stop iteration criteria", what does it mean?


Dear Sir / Madam,

I tried to found an answer myself, but I didn't found anything in the documentation.

When I run an analysis of 10 analysis steps with standard NR (iterations limit of 40 and with line search), during step 8 after 40 iteration the warning  occurs: (*) Warning: Convergence criteria not satisfied. Then the analysis continues with step 9 and again after 40 iterations (*) Warning: Convergence criteria not satisfied, and again for step 10.

I found that a "warning" is not a reason to break an analysis and an "error"  is.

Could you explain what the physical meaning is of this warning? Is my concrete slab 'practically failed' after analysis step 7? The crackwidth becomes significantly high, but the analysis steps still continues (although with the warning: (*) Warning: Convergence criteria not satisfied.)

Thank you very much!