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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → error → Post new reply

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Hello, most likely, you have set to zero some material parameter that has to be positive (or negative). If you are not sure which one, the fastest way to find out is to store the .inp file (Data - Save INP files - Together) and look at the mentioned line 46.

If you still can't find the reason, please send us the model (.cc3 without mesh, ZIPped) along with a description and your ATENA user ID (WR) to our support email (cervenka@...).



i have work with Atena 3D V.4, in the case of punching shear of slab column connection of FRC. I have this error: CCINPExc: Illegal real number 0, line 46, file, data being processed. what is this error mean?

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → error → Post new reply